

WordPress (Introduction)


WordPress is a free and open-source CMS (Content Management System) that is based on PHP and MYSQL.

The WordPress CMS features included plugins and theme templates, so every task perform with the help of various types of plugins and themes.


A theme just like a predefined template, that responsible to give a proper look and format to your WordPress website and support different types of plugins (A plugin is an already existing WordPress application that is designed to perform a specific task)

Every WordPress website requires at least one theme and any WordPress theme and plugin can be download from www.wordpress.org

A WordPress plugin is an already build in WordPress application that is designed to perform a specific task, for example the 'Page builder' plugin is used to designed WordPress pages and meta slider is used to create an animation gallery of selected images.

A responsible website is a special site, that adjust its features according the different types device screen size, for example a responsive website's features can adjust in cell phone screen, tablet, laptop and desktop computer and by default WordPress produce every website as responsive site.

By default WordPress provide "Admin" level user for every WordPress site and we can create more users (with different privilege) for the same site.

Every user have different privilege according their type, for example: Editor, Author, Subscriber.


1. Download wordpress from www.wordpress.org

2. Unzip the wordpress folder

3. Now copy the wordpress folder in "htdocs" folder

4. Open google chrome or any other web browser, such (Firefox, Internet Explorer)

5. Type "localhost/phpmyadmin" in address bar.

6. Create a new database.

7. Now again open the google chrome.

8. Type "localhost/wordpress" in address bar

9. Select "English (United States)" and click on "Continue" button.

10. Click on "Lets go!"

11. Enter database name, username as "root" and password as blank.

12. Now click on "Run the install"

13. Now Fill site title, username, password and email ID.

14. After it, you will receive a window which show message that you have successfully install WordPress.

15. Now Login in WordPress site with user name and password.

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