

MCQs (Set - 17)


1. Cyber security means …?
A. Protecting computer from hackers
B. Protecting programs and data
C. Protecting networking system
D. All of the above

Ans. D

2. Spyware is a ….?
A. Program to protect system
B. Program to steal data and information
C. Program to transmit data
D. An antivirus program

Ans. B

3. The hackers normally …?
A. A Trained experienced programmers
B. A blind person
C. A computer program
D. All of the above

Ans. A

4.  Cracker is a person who …?
A. Secure the system
B. Break and bypass the security system
C. Protect the data
D. None

Ans. B

5. Which one of the following is an example of anti-virus program?
A. Avast
B. Quick heal
C. Norton 2000
D. All of the above

Ans. D

6. Unwanted mails known as …?
A. Wrom
B. Trojn
C. Spam
D. Virus

Ans. C

7. Firewall is type of ….?
A. Security system
B. Computer threat
C. Virus
D. All of the above

Ans. A

8. Encryption is a technique that is used to …?
A. Store data in computer
B. To send email
C. Protect data and information
D. None of the above

Ans. C

9. What is public key …?
A. Key can be access and used by anyone
B. Key only access and used by owner
C. Only access by some selected peoples
D. Only access and used by VIP

Ans. A

10. Private Key is used to …?
A. Encrypt the messages
B. Decrypt the messages
C. To attach file with an email
D. To send emails

Ans. B

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